It’s been a minute since I’ve posted a challenge update, so here goes.
As mentioned before I’ve been dialing down into one major project that I’ve been working on. It’s occupied a lot more of my time than everything else and I’ve decided to throw all my talents, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Viral Marketing, etc at this one project.
One project, one focus is goal. Of course there are other little side projects, but in terms of day to day this project, let’s call it Project LOL, will occupy the majority of my time.
Why you ask? What happened to all the million blogs etc?
I’ve been following the success of some very close friends, who are ballin’ out of control now and they spent 18 months, just focusing on making their one major project a success. Actually they gave me that advice recently as well that had me thinking. Based on their plan, they’re pretty damn successful with a little focus and dedication.
I can’t tell you what they’re making focusing on their internet project, but let’s just say that sitting very pretty right now. Probably making some doctor’s annual salary in a month. Yeh, pretty sweet huh?
Also while trying to juggle a bunch of projects like it’s a circus, little things began to fall here and there for me. Then out the blue one day another close friend hit me up on messenger and said, “you know what, you should probably focus on just this one thing, because I can see it becoming very big!”
I guess you don’t have to tell me twice right?
So the mission is to kick ass with this one site, day in, day out to make it a super success, which I believe it will.
Where am I now on this project?
– I’ve set up the blog for it
– Customized it with 51 plug ins
– Added affiliate products related to the niche, so if people buy something I get a commission
– Have it indexed by the three major search engines
– Installed the email list for it with to acquire as many visitor contacts
– Installed tons of security programs ( Hack attempts have already made, and it’s only been a few weeks )
– Loaded site files to so the site loads faster and is not bogged down by traffic
– Did SEO research for 297 keywords related to the niche
– Set up social media accounts on twitter, facebook and youtube
– Started following leading blogs and sites in the niche daily to see what they’re working on and they’re different strategies
– Created a posting schedule for the blog to stay on top of content
– Plus much more
Of course there have been tons of challenges, like plug in installs conflicting and crashing the site, figuring out code, actually having the site hacked already and spending hours tweaking tweaking so it works in all browsers. Internet Explorer sucks by the way, but that’s what most users use.
Upcoming for this project, I have to:
– Come up with original content so the site stands out in the cluttered niche
– Start posting content related on the keywords researched and getting traffic to the site in drove
– Interact with the community to get them to visit and enjoy the site
– Test out marketing strategies to get attention for the site
– Track results of efforts
– Get a durable back up service for the blog, just in case anything goes haywire
– Then start outsourcing to get others to help build traffic/visitors to the website
Of course each step is way more detailed than listed above, but I’m sure your eyes will glaze over if I go too in depth into things like article marketing and getting the right keyword, with the right amount of unique visitors for the word, with the right amount of competition for that keyword. Yeh not too exciting.
But as you can see, a lot has been done and there’s tons more to do. The main challenge however is sticking to this one goal and focusing on this one project until it becomes a success.
Stay tuned for more. Oh and I have hit one milestone already, the site’s gotten hacked. 😉
I googled “greatness, destruction” based on the Will Smith interview…And what do i find? Your blog of course, that seems to still be in the infancy stage. I was trying to become a fan, however you have not posted since August 9th, at least thats what I see. i hope you at least respond back to me if not the rest of the world.So what’s the excuse for not posting, and remember an excuse is worse than a lie.